Saturday, November 18, 2006


This is my first post to this blog. Hopefully the content of this blog will be useful to someone; perhaps even myself. As someone has said, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Ignorance is not bliss except to the ignorant but the reality is that ignorance can often be a useful tool, sometimes surpassing the usefulness of knowledge which is not founded upon truth. The sum of all truth is found in the LORD JESUS CHRIST who has set forth all things which it is absolutely necessary for men to know in the pages of the HOLY BIBLE which is the written word of GOD. To it all of our thoughts, conclusions, and intents shall be necessarily compared, if they do not stand the scrutiny of HIS word then we desire to abandon them regardless of how dear we may have held them up until this point. I am not interested in any tradition regardless of how revered it may be unless it is a tradition built upon that foundation. May the LORD give us grace to hear and understand HIS word.