Wednesday, September 19, 2007



Let’s turn our attention to the only place in the whole New Testament where a “collection” is directly mentioned. “Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” (1Cor. 16:1-2) The word translated “collection” in verse one is translated “gatherings” in verse two.
This is an amazing fact considering that most modern churches take up a collection every time they meet or at least whenever it is most convenient . This concept of taking up a “general offering” on a regular basis has no grounds in the New Testament. As we examine this “collection” which is mentioned here we see that:
Money was being collected for a particular purpose. In the case mentioned here he has reference once again to a gathering of funds which are to be taken to the saints in Jerusalem. So we can conclude that the only collections mentioned in the scripture were for the opportunity for the saints to show benevolence to other believers.
This collection was to be participated in according to the prosperity which GOD had blessed men with and not in order to become prosperous. The whole idea that tithing will ensure the blessings of GOD upon those who participate in it is completely of the flesh. It is a scheme designed to coerce men into giving more of their money. The promised expectation of financial solvency resulting from the practice is designed as a means to prompt men to give of their money whose hearts are not made tender by the SPIRIT of GOD who causes HIS people to be cheerful givers.
This collection was made for a specific time. “That there be no gatherings when I come.” Paul’s direction was that they gather this money together and have it ready so that there would be no need to do so when he was present. I have to laugh when I think of how exactly backward that is to how many so called “love offerings” are taken in the present day. These “offerings” are never made in advance but always when the emotions and feelings of men can be manipulated with the greatest of results by those skilled in fleecing the flock.
I would conclude that there were no “regular” collections made in the New Testament churches. When collections were made it was done for the singular purpose of showing due benevolence to believers in need. Should we conclude from this that it is wrong to take up a collection for other purposes? I don’t think so but if we do so, we must always do it remembering that we are not “directed” to do such by the scriptures nor should participation in such collections ever be coerced in any fashion. Rather than “passing a plate” it seems more in keeping with New Testament principle to have such collections made by providing a receptacle where such contributions can be made with some measure of privacy. (see Mat.6:3) Gifts made to those who bestow labor among the saints should be individually imparted rather than supplied from a general fund. According as each is prospered so let him give.

(to be continued, DV) mam

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